Did SocksOnClick charge you money?

Did SocksOnClick charge you money?

Do you suspect SocksOnClick of faul play by withdrawing money from your creditcard without authorization?

SocksOnClick have build a business around a subscription model that automatically charges its customers from their credit card. So what do you do now to get your money back? Often customers find that it can be extremely difficult having their money returned to their accounts once SocksOnClick has taken them.

Your bank might not want to do a chargeback, and neither should you

One way to deal with such a situation is to do a chargeback, but it can have some very serious consequences that the bank typically will not tell you:

  • You will be without a credit card for a while since you bank will disable it
  • Your bank might give you a lower credit rating. That could mean it would be more difficult to get a loan in the future
  • It can be difficuelt getting your bank to agree to make a chargeback in the first place
  • You will sometimes physically have to go to visit your local branch to sign paperwork to get the charges from SocksOnClick revoked
  • There is no guarantee that your bank will follow through on the chargeback, leaving you without refund

In many cases, we can get your money back within 3-4 days

We have build a business model around helping consumers get their money back. We, of course, cant work for free, we charge a fee of 5 EUR for us to process the case. However, we only charge that fee if you actually manage to get your money back!

If you want us to get started on getting your money back from SocksOnClick, then just fill out the form below and we will start the process:

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Important: If you don't hear back from us within 5 days we advice you to contact your bank and request a chargeback.

11 Replies to “Did SocksOnClick charge you money?”

    1. Hej!

      De tog 355 kr från min konto fast jag har inte köpt någonting , vill ha mina pengar tillbaka så snart så möjligt annars går jag och anmäler till policen!! och vill avsluta min regestrering om jag har det!!

  1. Hej. 399kr har dragits från mitt konto, för nått ja INTE har beställt, INTE ens vart in å kollat på ! Så pengarna SKA tillbaka snarast, annars blir det polissak !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Fick du någon hjälp? Hur bar du dig i så fall åt för att avsluta från socksonclick och så de inte drog mer pengar?

  2. I dl not know why this company takes money from my account. Can sombody helps me?


    Milisen Latorre

  3. Hej!

    De tog 399kr från min konto fast jag har inte köpt någonting , vill ha mina pengar tillbaka så snart så möjligt annars går jag och anmäler till policen!! och vill avsluta min regestrering om jag har det!!