Did GourmandNow take money from your account?

Did GourmandNow take money from your account?

Are you in the same boat as many other customers who also have had money charged on their credit card from GourmandNow?

Often customers of GourmandNow have no knowledge that they have been signed up for a subscription that automatically renews and takes money from your credit card. So that leaves the question: Is it realistic that you can get your money back from GourmandNow? Often customers find that it can be extremely difficult having their money returned to their accounts once GourmandNow has taken them.

Why a chargeback might be a bad idea

One way to deal with such a situation is to do a chargeback, but it can have some very serious consequences that the bank typically will not tell you:

  • Your bank might give you a lower credit rating. That could mean it would be more difficult to get a loan in the future
  • You will be without a credit card for a while since you bank will disable it
  • You will need to resubscribe to all other services again that you have connected your credit card with (like phone subscription, streaming services, automatic payments etc)

Let us help you get your money back

In many cases, we typically manage to get customers their money back from GourmandNow within 3-4 days. We know the process and have dealt with GourmandNow before. If you want we can help get your money back for a fee of 5 EUR. You only pay once we actually manage to get your money back you have been charged from GourmandNow back into your account. That’s no cure, no pay!

If you want us to contact and speak with GourmandNow about your money, then just submit the form below and we will get started right away:

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Important: If you don't hear back from us within 5 days we advice you to contact your bank and request a chargeback.

15 Replies to “Did GourmandNow take money from your account?”

  1. gournandnow nie wyslali mi zadnego regulaminu dostalem tylko maila ze wykupilem dostep na 5 dni w kwocie 5 zl a miala to byc kwota za niby wysylke wygranego iphona dzisi porbrali 149zl za co nie wiem bo strona nawet nie dziala kontak z nimi tylko na maila jak mi nie oddadza ide na policje o wyludzenie pieniedzy

  2. Hei! Minun tililtä on yhtäkkiää kadonnut rahaa tälläinen määrä kahteen kertaan 48.99e joka kerta samana päivinä eli 24.8 ja 24.9. Aika isoista summista on kyse kun on viä pienituloinen. Kuinkahan saisin noi rahat takaisin. Ihmettelen vain et mistä ovat saaneet tietoni. Tällänen on ottanut rahani kuin Gourmandn.

  3. Yes, indeed they abused my credit card and charged me 29 euros (785 Czech korunas) last week. I protested and request from them to withdraw it and, so they wrote me that they are cancelling my membership and is seemed that they did reimbursed me but I looked to my online banking two days ago and saw the same charge again. I wrote them again and asked to reimburse me immediately but since then no feedback from them. I am also going to write on it on https://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/gourmandnow.com and I encourage the others to do that. Needless to say, I will be happy to pay yo 5 euros for your work. Thanks in advance.

  4. Dzień dobry,
    Wczoraj na komputerze pojawiła mi się wiadomość że wygrałam telefon. Nie przeczytałam uważnie warunków umowy i wprowadziłam dane ze swojej karty płatniczej. Nie chcę korzystać z tej subskrypcji bo mnie na nią nie stać.Proszę o pomoc w anulowaniu

  5. I signed up unknowing it was a con getting a monthly subscription from my account. It said I was a safari user winner. €3 for Apple iPhone xs.
    They have my debit card details and straight away I have been trying to get in contact with both their companies to no avail.

  6. GourmandNow took an unauthorized payment of €48.99 from my bank account on 17th July 2019.

  7. They took me twice around 700 Czech crowns. I do not know how to get the money back, I accidentally clicked that I won Iphone 10 I wrote them right on the site, it will be about a year, but six months ago they took the money themselves again from the account, it starts to piss me off. Please if you can help, help me.